GammaVision-32 is a comprehensive package for the analysis of gamma-ray spectra acquired with HPGe detectors. The first version was introduced over 25 years ago. Hardware control, advanced MCA display, and a suite of data analysis algorithms are integrated into one complete package. GammaVision-32 is broadly applicable to any gamma-ray spectroscopy application. You can view up to 8 live spectra and up to 8 stored spectra at the same time. A high degree of sample automation is possible using JOB or script files and an array of corrections is provided to deal with sample, nuclide and spectrum-related effects. The methods employed are compliant with recognized national and international standards such as ANSI/ISO/ASQ 9001:2000, ASME/NQA-1-1989, and ASME/NQA-2a-1990 and ISO/DIS 11929. GammaVision will work with any ORTEC MCB on Windows Systems.